41 Irish landmarks to light up in Ukrainian colours for St Patrick's Day

41 Irish landmarks to light up in Ukrainian colours for St Patrick's Day

41 IRISH landmarks are set to illuminate in the blue and yellow of Ukraine for St Patrick's Day tomorrow.

Among some of the landmarks taking part is the Custom House Quays and Leinster House in Dublin.

Minister os State Patrick O’Donovan, speaking about the decision, said:

"In Ireland and abroad, we take pride in the wearing and displaying of the green on St Patrick’s Day.

"The colour is an intrinsic part of our pride in our roots and the joint celebration of Irishness on our national holiday. Over many years, the Office of Public Works has set the mood for this important day by symbolically ‘greening’ our most iconic heritage sites, government buildings and national cultural institutions."

However, he said "this year is different."

"Even as we look forward to marking St Patrick's Day with our friends and loved ones, we think of the people of Ukraine whose lives, safety and sovereignty are at risk.

"For them and for the eyes of the world, we send a message of solidarity by illuminating 41 Irish landmarks across the country in the colours of Ukraine tonight and over the St Patrick’s Day weekend to underline that the people of Ireland stand with Ukraine."