Parts of Ireland issued with potato blight warning

Parts of Ireland issued with potato blight warning

MULTIPLE COUNTIES have been issued with a potato blight warning as the changeable weather threatens crops.

Ireland's national meteorological service, Met Éireann, issued the environmental warning yesterday, Thursday 27 May.

The environmental warning, which warns that "weather conditions conducive to the spread of potato blight", is expected to affect early sown crops, the service announced.

Counties Carlow, Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Wexford and Wicklow are affected by the warning, meaning the threat to crops is so far focused in the east and east coast.

Blight disease is caused in potatoes by a fungus which develops and rapidly spreads in warm, humid weather-- which is what is in store for much of the country this weekend and into next week.

Blight disease is caused in potatoes by a fungus which develops and rapidly spreads in warm, humid weather

Despite relatively high temperatures, the weather will remain cloudy and muggy with light showers, conditions the blight disease thrives in.

The same blight warning was also issued by Met Éireann in June last year, with the entire country affected by the environmental advisory, but while some crops suffered there was no wide-scale devastation.

You can keep up with environmental advisories, forecasts and weather warnings on the Met Éireann website here.