THE DRUMMER for U2 has donated $100,000 out of his on pocket to help Native American tribes struggling during the coronavirus pandemic.
Dubliner Larry Mullen Jr, who shot to prominence as Irish band U2 took the world by storm, has joined hundreds of Irish people in 'repaying a 173-year-old favour' with his incredibly generous donation.

Last month, a fundraiser was set up to help the Navajo and Hopi families, who were living in 'extreme food deserts' and who had many vulnerable people in their communities, during the Covid-19 crisis.
Irish people donated in their droves-- so far having raised over $4 million-- with many saying they hoped to repay the kindness shown to them by the Choctaw nation, who famously donated money to the Irish during the Great Hunger while they themselves were suffering from the Trail of Tears.

The Attorney General for the Navajo Nation, Doreen McPaul, later issued a heartfelt thank you for the outpouring of support, explaining she is "especially proud of this response because of my own Irish heritage".
Yesterday, the organiser of the Hopi and Navajo people relief fund, Cassandra Begay, posted on the GoFundMe page where she offered her heartfelt thanks to the people of Ireland, and to Larry Mullen in particular, for their continued support.
“We feel real kinship with the Irish, who have a shared legacy of colonization, and we are truly grateful for Mr. Mullen’s donation and all donations that have come from our Irish brethren," she wrote.
"Go raibh maith agat and ahéhee’! Someday we hope to repay you for these beautiful and meaningful acts of solidarity made during our time of great need.”

Spokesperson for the relief fund, Cassandra Begay, revealed that Mr Mullen's donation alone is enough to fund a week's worth of deliveries of food and water to 1000 Navajo and Hopi households with high risk, vulnerable of coronavirus-positive family members.
It's not the first time Mr Mullen has been connected to an act of kindness since the Covid-19 pandemic took hold across the world: in April, U2 collectively donated a whopping €10 million to aid the coronavirus battle in Ireland.
To read more about the relief fund for the Navajo and Hopi families, or to donate to provide essential supplies to those in need, you can visit the GoFundMe page here.