THREE MEN in south Dublin have been spotted heroically guiding a mother duck and her ducklings to safety as they attempted to cross a busy road.
They were noticed by a member of staff at the Leopardstown Inn, who filmed the trio in action.
Leopardstown Inn posted the video on Facebook to celebrate the three men who had made sure the family ducks were unharmed as they made their way to a grassy area.

The mother duck waddled frantically with her adorable chicks in tow, as two men began herding the family towards the grass, while the third man stood next to a busy road to make sure they weren't going to get close to the traffic.
The popular bar and restaurant wrote in their post: "It was a day for the ducks in Leopardstown and some lovely locals made sure this duck and her chicks safely crossed the road. Not all heroes wear capes! Fair play."

Facebook users were quick to chime in with praise for the duck ushers, with one user saying the video "restored my faith in humanity".
"Ah well done all such a great thing to do," said another.
Well, we tend to agree. And we sincerely hope those lads had a pint or two on the house waiting for them inside!
Watch the heartwarming footage here