VIDEO: Shay Given impersonator embarrasses Sky Sports News presenter

VIDEO: Shay Given impersonator embarrasses Sky Sports News presenter

SKY SPORTS NEWS have been left with egg on their face after initiating conversation with a Shay Given impersonator across the phone during a live broadcast.

Hoping to speak to the Stoke City and Republic of Ireland goalkeeper about his injured club-mate Jack Butland, it quickly became clear to presenter Pete Graves that he was not in fact speaking with Given.

That’s because the man on the other end of the line was speaking without the distinct Donegal accent Given has been heard speaking with on the channel many times before.

Quite who was on the phone remains unclear, but it made for good entertainment for live viewers, and subsequently on social media, as the interview was brought to an abrupt end.

Have a watch below and see if you can figure out who the prankster is.