Barry's or Lyons? YouTube star Clisare sums up the tea dilemma most Irish people face

Barry's or Lyons? YouTube star Clisare sums up the tea dilemma most Irish people face

LYONS or Barry's - it's a divisive topic amongst tea drinkers in Ireland.

This week popular Irish YouTube star Clisare produced a comedy sketch detailing the probable fall out from asking an Irish person which tea they'd rather drink.

Clisare, real name Clare Cullen, hails from Co. Mayo and started her YouTube channel five years ago. Now, with over 66,000 subscribers and 10million views she has become one of Irish YouTube's forefront stars.

Using her channel as a platform for both belly-achingly good comedy sketches, as well as painfully accurate political sketches and "rants", Clisare's take on Irish life and social commentary is raw, opinionated and wonderfully constructed.

By her own omission, being Irish is Clare's thing.

From her hilarious popular 'Sh*te Irish Girls Say' and 'Sh*te Irish Mammies Say', to 'Irish GPS', Clare wears her national identity with pride - sometimes opting to make videos in the Irish language.

She manages to capture the tone and mood of the nation with the right balance of humour and honesty, as depicted in "Election 2016 - The Computer Game".

Watch Clisare's latest video below and let us know what you think:

Barrys Or Lyons?Never ask me this question.

Posted by Clisare on Monday, 25 July 2016