Ten minutes with novelist Máire Malone

Ten minutes with novelist Máire Malone

Dublin-born Máire Malone studied arts and psychology in England before working in counselling and psychotherapy. She soon turned to writing, and recently the Historical Company have awarded her novel Hungry Trails — a historical fiction set during the Great Hunger — a five star review and the Highly Recommended award of excellence, 2023

Máire Malone

What are you working on at the moment?

I am researching in order to write a sequel to Hungry Trails, my Irish Famine novel, recently published by Silverwoods Books.

Which writer has most influenced you?

I love Edna O’Brien’s writing. She has a wonderful style and a keen eye for light and landscape. I am also interested in her fascination with Irish family relationships and with human nature in general.

Where are you from in Ireland?

I was born and raised in Dublin before leaving for the UK as an adult. I cherish fond memories of long summer days by the sea at Sandymount, Seapoint and Howth.

Where do you write?

I write at my kitchen table, on my laptop or PC. I also love to go out to cafés to write and usually carry a jotter or journal for this purpose.

Have you a favourite quote from one of your books?

“As a tiny flower can take root and thrive between concrete slabs, Hungry Trails celebrates the resilience of the human condition.”

Which book is on your bedside table at the minute?

The Wonder by Emma Donoghue. I saw the film on Netflix and I’m looking forward to reading the book. The story is bleak and haunting about a young girl who appears to be starving herself. It is multi-layered about Irish religious myths and superstitions.

Have you a favourite quote from any book you’ve read?

I have a great interest in the writings of Carl Gustav Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. The following is from Memories, Dreams, Reflections: “The dream shows the inner truth and reality of the patient as it really is: not as I conjecture it to be, and not as he would like it to be, but as it is.”

What would be your motto?

Do your best to love others as you love yourself.

What do you believe in?

I believe in unconditional love, justice and peace.

Who is the greatest love in your life?

My lovely husband and our wonderful extended family.

Hungry Trails by Máire Malone is available from most online retailers including Amazon, The Book Depository and Waterstones, from the publisher SilverWood Books.