THE best in music, dance, theatre and art that Cork has to offer will be brought to the viewing masses worldwide next weekend
Due to the coronavirus restrictions Culture Night Cork City 2020 will move online this year, bringing the richness of the city’s arts and cultural scene to a new audience who can enjoy it form the comfort of their homes across the world.
Launched on August 31 by Culture Night Cork City Ambassador and novelist Cónal Creedon, this year’s event boasts a programme of events that offers people the chance to “Connect through Culture” across a variety of media.
While there is an increased focus on virtual and online events, some physical events will be taking place – although with numbers allowed to attend restricted, those planning to show up are advised to book in advance.
Speaking at the launch, held at the Everyman Theatre, the Lord Mayor of Cork, Councillor Joe Kavanagh said: “I’m delighted to be able to launch Culture Night Cork City 2020. “Although we can’t celebrate this wonderful evening in the traditional format this year, organisers and venues have shown their resilience and commitment to making this the best event it can be, taking all the appropriate safety measures into account.
“The virtual and online offerings give us a chance to give people a different experience, and one we feel can broaden the scope of the event in the years to follow.”
He added: “Cork plays a huge role in maintaining Ireland’s reputation for the vast cultural heritage and sheer volume of talent that exists here, across all facets of the Arts.
“Culture Night in particular offers us a unique opportunity to showcase the many wonderful strings to this city’s bow, in terms of drama, music, literature, art and much more. This will be the perfect opportunity to soak up the many free cross platform events on offer and tour the city in a different way.”

Cork author and playwright Cónal Creedon was quick to share his enthusiasm over his status as Ambassador of Culture Night Cork City for 2020.
“I am honoured to be appointed 2020 Culture Night Ambassador for Cork City,” he said.
“For one night only, a magical atmosphere envelops the city as Corkonians of all ages take to the streets to entertain and be entertained. It is a feast for our senses: sights, sounds and scents – a festival of colour, theatre, music and food – a celebration of Cork itself.”
He added: “Culture is a reflection of who we are; it is how we express ourselves and how others perceive us. Ours is a culture to be treasured and savoured at every view and vista, every step, steeple and steep hill, every bridge that spans the River Lee, every twist and turn of winding streets.
“Ours is a culture where change is embraced, a city that reaches out the hand of friendship, extends the hand of welcome - as our motto proudly declares – Cork is a 'safe harbour for all ships’.”
For more information on Culture Night Cork City 2020, which takes place on Friday, September 18, click here.