Thousands of homeowners affected by mica march through Dublin

Thousands of homeowners affected by mica march through Dublin

THOUSANDS OF HOMEOWNERS that have been left in the lurch by mica marched through Dublin City Centre yesterday afternoon.

Organized by Mica Action Group, a wide-ranging group of homeowners and families, young and old, made their way towards the Custom House to put pressure on Government as they decide on a redress scheme for those affected.

It comes as Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue said he is confident that a mica redress scheme that meets the needs of homeowners can be accommodated.

Speaking at yesterday's demonstration, Mr McConalogue said that he was "really confident" of a good outcome.

"I'm confident that we will get a scheme that delivers for homeowners and also that we can get a scheme that delivers 100% of the costs for homeowners as well," he said according to RTE.

Paddy Diver, one of the organisers of the march, told RTE: "We protest because our families are living in homes that are falling apart.

"We protest because we are being left with the financial, mental and physical burden of a crisis that was not our making.

"Homes are falling apart because they were made with blocks with latent defects."

Posting on Twitter, he added: "Government regulations allowed them to self-certify the product.

"BOTH manufacturer and Government are at fault here. The thousands left with the devastation these blocks leave behind ARE NOT TO BLAME."

Earlier this week, Minister for Housing Darragh O'Brien told the Dáil that a mica redress scheme was an urgent government priority.

Coalition leaders are currently discussing the redress scheme and are expected to reach a decision in the coming weeks.

Protestors are adamant that a 100% redress is what is required, a call supported by the two main opposition parties.