Wild stag shot dead by police after running loose in built-up area of Belfast

Wild stag shot dead by police after running loose in built-up area of Belfast

A WILD STAG which was running loose in east Belfast has been shot dead by police.

Officers were alerted to the presence of the animal on the Gilnahirk Road in the early hours of this morning, Tuesday, October 30.

Police said the stag "narrowly missed" a number of motorists passing on the road.

Efforts to contain the animal failed and the decision was made to shoot it because of the danger posed to members of the public.

It is understood that the animal was humanely shot and died instantly.

PSNI Insp Eastwood said the stag was in an "extremely agitated and dangerous state".

He explained it was shot dead because it was "running wild in a densely populated area and posed a danger to motorists".

Rutting season began in September and stags are known to be extremely aggressive as they compete for females during this time.

Last week, a seven-year-old girl was gored by a stag in Bushy Park in southwest London.

Police warned anyone who encounters a stag before the end of rutting season in November to be cautious as they can be dangerous if approached by humans.