GAA suspend all club games until further notice

GAA suspend all club games until further notice

THE GAA management committee has announced the suspension of all club activity with immediate effect.

It comes in the wake of NPHET’S recommendation that the whole of Ireland move to a Level 5 lockdown amid concern over the rising number of coronavirus cases.

Under the new measures all sporting fixtures and formal training is prohibited.

GAA officials met earlier today to set out a strategy for dealing with any potential change in lockdown restrictions.

The association will continue to monitor Government discussions on the matter, with members of the coalition due to meet to discuss NPHET’s proposals.

In the meantime, statement said that all club games have been suspended until further notice.

"The decision has been taken in the interest of public safety following a number of incidents that have been brought to our attention in recent days,” it said.

"In particular, post-match celebrations and a lack of social distancing at certain events have proved disappointing and problematic.

"This directive applies to all ages and all grades across the island."

While bars and social clubs will close under the plans "training will continue to be permitted as per the guidelines outlined for the relevant levels in the Government's National Framework for Living with Covid 19 and relevant guidelines in the Six Counties".

"The GAA will continue to monitor the situation in the ​coming days and weeks, regarding changes in government guidelines, before liaising with our units accordingly," they said,

"The Association would also like to acknowledge all of those units who have worked diligently in complying with the public health advice around the staging of our games and training sessions since activity resumed."

"More than ever, we ask that you continue with this approach regarding training sessions."

In the event that Stage 5 restrictions are not imposed, inter-county training will go ahead.

However, challenge games will be prohibited until the inter-county season resumes.

Should inter-county games be given the go ahead, then they would most likely be played behind closed doors.

The GAA’s Covid-19 Advisory Group will meet this evening, following today's meeting between the Chief Medical Officer and the three Government party leaders.