Lord of the Dance
Irish primary school kids release brilliant music video - rapping about climate change (and it isn't half bad)

Irish primary school kids release brilliant music video - rapping about climate change (and it isn't half bad)

"IT'S our future! It's our earth! We need to protect it for what it's worth!"

Not my words, but the words of a group of inspiring Irish kids from a primary school in Co. Cork, who've come up with a brilliant way to try and fight climate change.

With the help of a local producer, students from Cappabue National School have created a fantastic rap song - and a music video to boot - to try and raise awareness.

And we've got to say, it's actually really good. Catchy too.

Credit: Cappabue National School

The song, called 'One Small Change' was written by the kids themselves and encourages others to make little life alterations to try and save the planet, such as riding a bike to school instead of driving or doing the washing-up instead of using the dishwasher.

Sure, it's corny at times, but the corn is very much done with a wink to the audience, and the fantastic performances (and voices) from the kids are well worth a watch.

It's impressive, funny and inspiring. How many primary school projects can you say that about?

The school, based in the Shehy Mountains just outside Bantry, have previous in eye-catching film projects, having won a number of awards for previous creations, but this one might be their best yet.

Credit: Cappabue National School

Olive Creed, who teaches at the school, said the children were inspired by a recent project looking into the plastic pollution in Bantry Bay.

She said: "The children wanted to spread the message to other school children as to how they too could make a difference in their own small way.

"After discussion and brainstorming, it was decided that a music video was the way to go.

"Contact was made with Garry McCarthy, GMC Beats, and he came to Cappabue NS for a 'Song in a Day' workshop.

"Working in groups, the children came up with the entire content of the song themselves.

"Garry set up a recording desk in the classroom and, under his expert direction, 'One Small Change' was born.

Credit: Cappabue National School

"We are so proud of the end product. It is being shared extensively.

"The message the children wanted to spread is really being delivered, which is what the project sought to achieve in the first instance.

"We can all make a difference in our own small way."

Give it a watch: