103-year-old Irish nun sends coronavirus poem to President Michael D Higgins

103-year-old Irish nun sends coronavirus poem to President Michael D Higgins

A 103-YEAR-OLD nun has written a poem about the Covid-19 pandemic and sent it to President Michael D. Higgins.

Sr Alphonsus, who oversees the annual Good Friday Passion play at St Patrick's Church, in Bandon, Co. Cork, officially retired from teaching in the 1980s but has continued to work with her local community and has developed quite the reputation.

In her poem titled "The Virus" Sr Alphonsus says that whilst we are "bored and we're stiff and we can't get out" Mother Nature is here to protect us.

Here's snippet from the poem:

"Each tiny seed. Each chick in its nest

Her presence is clear

Her magic is all around

Just see the wee daisies

Alive on the ground

The bees buzzing sounds music to hear

As she flies all around in the flower box so near

So away with the virus

Away with our fears"

Esther says that Sr Alphonsus is philosophical about the virus having been alive at a time when the Spanish Flu infected about a third of the world's population.

The nun was a baby during the Spanish flu pandemic. She has received cards and phone calls from well wishers all through the pandemic as well as a letter and medal from President Michael D Higgins and a recorded message from Bishop Fintan Gavin.

Her close friend Esther Sinnott says that Sr Alphonsus has more energy than people half her age and younger.

Esther added that Sr Alphonsus hopes to meet President Higgins some day as she is a huge admirer of his.

"Her dream would be to meet the President. She gets a congratulatory letter every year on her birthday from him," Esther said.

"She sent him the poem. She was delighted to do that because she knows he is a lover of the arts. She admires that in him."